O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusted in Him (Psalms 34: 8).
The Lord is good to all, but the goodness of God can be tasted and experienced in special ways by those who trust in Him and those with clean hearts. There are two sides to the goodness of God and he demonstrates this by GIVING and FORGIVING.
FORGIVENESS For all have sin and come short of the glory of God (Rom. 3: 23). Sin upon the human race came through Adam’s disobedience in the Garden of Eden. The glory of God departed from man and fear, oppressions, defeat ,and wars came. Mankind started experiencing the negatives. God in His love gave His only begotten son to die for the sin of all mankind to extend His forgiveness to us. As a result of Jesus’ sacrifice, man found forgiveness and freedom from the bondage, power and judgment of sin (Rom. 5: 6-8).
If Jesus was not given to die for our sins there would have been no forgiveness and no salvation. Man would have been lost forever. If you are born again, then you need to appreciate God and be grateful to Him. Perhaps you have been coming to church for a long time, you are religious, but you have not truly experience freedom from the bondage of sin. You have not really accepted the goodness of God in the dimension of His forgiveness, open your heart to the Lord, Jesus Christ today. That God can extend His mercy and forgiveness to man is the greatest of all wonders of His grace.
Of what use is it if you enjoy His goodness in healing and miracles but have not experienced the forgiveness of your sins, you will suffer in hell forever. Don’t let pride, religion or the crowd hinder you. Salvation is not a crowd matter and God is not a respecter of persons. There are only two options. You can experience His goodness in forgiveness and enjoy eternal life or mix with the crowd, cover up your sins with religion and spirituality and regret in hell. The choice is yours.
GIVING: He that spared not His son, but delivered Him up for us all , how shall He not with him also freely give us all things (Romans 8: 32) The second dimension of the goodness of God is in giving. God first extended His mercy and forgiveness to us by giving His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ to die for our sins. Accompanying receiving His forgiveness is the gift of all other things – healing, deliverance, children, wife, husband, etc. We can tap into the fullness of God’s goodness by enjoying all things that He freely gives. Every dimension of God’s goodness is experienced in salvation “the gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth” (Rom 1:16) “Salvation” means to be “rescued,” ‘healed,” “delivered,” “protected” and “blessed.” It expresses the various dimension of the covenant grace. When you receive Jesus as your Savior, receiving every other things becomes cheap. Don’t limit yourself to enjoying His forgiveness. Begin to tap into all other dimensions of His goodness…”For all things are yours” (1 Cor. 3:21).
- Give thanks to God for His goodness in your life.
- Ask the Lord to cleanse you of your sins through the blood of Jesus.
- Celebrate God for answering all your prayers.
Confession for Today: My soul magnifies you oh Lord for your love and mercies.
Nations’ Watch: Pray for Slovenia