They serve the Lord, His Church and His people by ensuring that every aspect of the church service is properly prepared for, properly executed and properly followed up. There groups are responsible for the orderliness of every service.
Timeliness is essential in all matters.
1. Sanctuary Care
To Beautify the altar, the pulpit area, the entire church sanctuary and the
compound regularly when necessary and for special programmes
2. Security
To ensure the security of peoples, cars and other properties during church programmes and services, and at all times.
3. Greeters
To welcome people to church warmly courteously and enthusiastically preparing their mind to receive from God. To encourage people to identify with the church after being given the right hand of fellowship.
4. Protocol
To ensure that all necessary protocols are observed during church services and programmes. To make sure there is orderliness on all issues regularly: our Presiding Bishop, our Bishops, all our Senior Ministers and our special guests as we wait on them.
5. Organizing
To prepare the compound and the sanctuary for every service and event. Proper arrangements, tidiness of the church auditorium, the seats and the surroundings. Ensuring that the auditorium is kept clean and made ready for church services and programmes in a way that befits and glorifies our God.
. Ushering To cater for all ushering needs of the church. To ensure a proper sitting arrangement and record keeping of services in the church. Maintenance of order during altar calls and special ministrations on the altar. To supervise the effective collection of tithes and offerings during church services. To ensure all materials to be distributed and properly and effectively handled
7. Recovery Bay
To care for members of the congregation who may need medical attention such as first aid, minor bed rest or women in labour during church services and programmes.
8. Treasury
To receive, count and take proper record of all tithes, offerings and other income from the ushers after collection in church services and programmes and hand over to the church account officers.
9. Car Park
To ensure proper packing, movement of vehicles in and out of the church premises in an orderly manner during church services and programmes.
10. Information
Technology Team To bring the church worship, devotions, and programmes to the worshippers by means of every necessary contemporary technological facilities and present the messages and programmes to the congregation through the internet facilities. To organize and monitor the chuch website, and all internet service needs of the church
1L Publication
To ensure that every necessary publication of the church comes out excellently and promptly .e.g. “He is Alive weekly, Tracts, etc”.
12. Technical-Power
To ensure regular supply and distribution of electricity power for the effective operation of the entire Church premises. To procure, service and maintain effectively all power generating equipments of the church.
13. Technical-Light
To ensure a regular supply of lights in the entire premises of the church. To procure, service and manage effectively all lightening equipments of the church.
14. Technical-Sound
To ensure a regular supply of quality sound for every church services and programmes To procure, service and manage effectively all the Public Address System of the church.
15. Information
To receive and collate and effectively disseminate relevant information for the church and her members. To get information leaflets across to worshippers as appropriate. The congregation connects the altar with any piece of information that is relevant to the Church through information unit. To ensure that letters / items posted to church members are delivered to appropriate owners.
16. Environmental Care
To take proper care of the entire environment of the church ensuring that it is always clean and very beautiful. This includes the entrance, the lawns, the flowers, the toilets and the entire church environment.
They serve the Lord, His Church and His people primarily through soul winning to ensure that people of all categories are won and brought to the Lord and to the church.
They are primarily responsible for the growth of the church numerically.
1. Royal Ambassadors
To receive the new comers and visit them within the first twenty-four hours of their attendance at any church programme. To work hand-in-hand with the Counselors and the Believers’ Foundation Teachers to see that new comers become consistent members of the church.
2. Street Evangelism
To go out and preach the gospel on the street with the intention of getting the people born again. To properly follow-up their converts and make sure they are firmly established in the church. To organize crusades & outreaches from time to time in order to win souls to Christ and bring them to the church.
3. Welfare & Care Outreach
To identify and receive those in need in the church and see to it that they are properly catered for, and visited if needful.
4. Hospital Evangelism
To minister the word of God and prayer to the sick by visiting them in the Hospital, aiming at bringing those who are not believers to Christ Jesus and to the church.
5. Prisons Evangelism
To minister the gospel to the prison inmates, to lead them to Christ and participate in their rehabilitation and development process.
6. Drama Outreach To minister the word of God to the church through drama, to win souls, to edify the church and to minister to the needs of the people.
7. Youth with a Vision
To empower the youth of the church for kingdom lifestyle, soul-wining, exploits and destiny fulfillment
8. Victorious Women
To empower the women of the church for kingdom service, soul-wining, exploits and destiny fulfillment
9. Kings & Priests
The Peculiar People To reach out to the people in the top echelon of the society, getting them born again and establishing them in the church.
10 Media Outreach
To put the message of our Presiding Bishop on Radio, TV, the satellite, the internet, the audio and the video tapes, CD, and DVD and to handle all the feedbacks from the listeners.
11 Special Rehabilitation
Ministering the gospel of Christ to the drug addicts, the prostitutes and the homeless and rehabilitating them after they must have given their lives to the Lord.
12 Tracts Club
To ensure gospel tracts are excellently and massively produced and distributed for soulwinning on a regular basis.
13 Youth-Pre JAMB
To organize Pre JAMB classes for students seeking admission into higher institution.
14. Youth-Extra Moral
To provide extra moral classes / lectures for young people who are intending to sit for ‘O’Level examinations.
15 Eko Agba
To organize and provide literacy programmes for adults who cannot read or write assisting them to be able to read and write
They serve the Lord, His church and His people by leading us in sound worship, dynamic prayer and the teaching of the word of God: They minister; to create an atmosphere of faith and power; to ensure that every worshipper receive maximum blessings from God, and are budget up to fulfill their destines. They are primarily responsible for the edification of the saints of God.
1. Sunday School
To teach the word of God systematically to the whole church every Sunday to enable the people of God to be well grounded in the doctrines of the Scripture that we believe and practice.
2. Children Minister
To teach, train and provide pastoral care for children in the church for a productive Christian life and destiny fulfillment.
3 Pre-Teens Minister To teach, train, minister to and provide pastoral care for pre-teens in the church for a productive Christian life and destiny fulfillment.
4 Teens Minister
To teach, train, minister to and provide pastoral care for teenagers in the church for a productive Christian life and destiny.
5 Counselling
To ensure that new converts to the church are properly guided to receive Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit with the aim of making them consistent members of the church.
6. Interpretation
To interpret the entire service to those who do not understand the English Language, so that they will enjoy the service. To cater for the people in this class. The unit encourages those who cannot understand messages in English Language to come to church and comfortably enjoy the service, and be joyful members of the church
7. Film Ministry To keep a library where church members can enjoy edifying films. To organise film show occasionally for church members and for the purpose of reaching out to the unbelievers with the message of Christ.
8. Believers’ Foundation Class
To teach the foundational doctrines of the word of God to every member and prepare them for water baptism and to become part of the workforce of the church.
9. Healing and Deliverance
To minister healing and deliverance to people that may be sick and under demonic influences and bondages, teaching them the word of God and ensuring their complete liberty and establishment in the church.
10. Intercessory
To generate the grace and power of God upon the church, to push increase and growth, dealing with the adversary, through consistent, fervent prevailing prayers. To organize effective 24-hour prayer cover for the church, its leadership and members.
11. Marriage and Family
To guide young people into godly relationships, watch over them while in courtship and prepare them for a successful marriage. To offer marriage counseling to married people in the church. To resolve marital crisis in the lives of members of the church by the wisdom, the grace, and the word of God.
12. House Fellowship
To organise every church member into House fellowship groups which meet weekly to share the word of God, pray, win souls, fellowship in-depth, reach out to the community and follow-up and disciple church converts at designated centres, all across the city.
13. Worship Team
This is a group of people who have been found faithful and have been appointed to minister in special songs and to lead in music and worship in the church.
14. Sanctuary Choir
To lead the church to worship the Lord in songs and music, creating an atmosphere that is conducive for the move of the Spirit of God.
15. Music Department
For formation, development and coordination of all music teams that minister to the Lord and His people in the church.
16. Hosanna Choir
To lead the church to worship the Lord in hymns and classical renditions, creating an atmosphere that is conducive for the move of the Spirit of God, and the edification and pleasures of the saints of God.
17. Victory Choral Band
A band that minister in Music in the church, and also accompany our Presiding Bishop in ministering outside the church.
Through the fora, the church is structured into homogeneous age-groups for the purpose of
1. Effective pastoral care
2. Proper feeding with the word of God
3. Indepth interactive fellowship, prayer networking and relationships
4. Productive evangelism and follow up
5. Dynamic, prevailing group prayer.
6. Faithfully service in the house of God
7. Involvement in our Worldwide Mission Drive.
Although there are 7 major age-grouping namely Children, Pre-Teens, Teens, Youths, Men, Women and the Senior Citizens. We have carried out twelve homogenous groups.
1. Children Ministry
2. Men Fellowship: The Mighty Men of Valour.
3. The Deacon Forum (A subset of the Men Fellowship)
4. Victorious Women Fellowship
5. The Deaconess Forum (A subset of the Women Fellowship)
6. Youth Fellowship
7. The Singles Fellowship
8. The Teens Fellowship
9. The Pre-Teens Fellowship
10. The Senior Citizens
11. The Elders forum (A subset of Senior Citizens)
12. Women of Excellence (A subset of the Women Fellowship)
13. The Peculiar People
14. Kings & Priest Ministry
15. The Mighty Men of Valor
16. Forum D818
Each forum will have a Pastor to cater for the spiritual welfare of the fora.
Each forum will have a leadership team who take responsibility for the overall strength and effective functioning of the forum.
Each forum will provide a quarterly plan of action and a quarterly report to the senior Pastor.
For effective operation and a proper execution of our vision, the following Committees have been created to function.
1. Finance Committee
To see to effective budgeting and budget implementation
To see to effective funds generation and management
To see to effective Bank operations
To see to effective to proper accounting and financial report
To supervise the Audit of our books.
2. Capital Project and Maintenance Committee
To see that our capital projects in the Garden are properly concerned, designed and implemented.
To see the finances and materials for our capital projects are properly generated and managed
To see to proper maintenance of our infrastructure.
3. Welfare Committee
To ensure there is adequate provision for the welfare of the needy both in terms of cash and materials
To ensure that all that are in genuine need are adequately catered according to our policies.
4. Missions Committee
To ensure that our church planting Mission is effectively prosecuted, locally and worldwide
To ensure that whatever is needed for over successful mission is made available
To ensure there is adequate feedback for our Mission Station from time to time.
5. Disciplinary Committee
To bring every members to order with the love of Christ
To ensure there is proper discipline and order in the House of God.
Each Committee shall be made up of a minimum of three (3) people and a maximum of seven (7) people.
Each Committee shall provide a quarterly plan of Action and report to the Senior Pastor.
For the purpose of effective pastoral care, every member of Christ Life Church must belong to a House Fellowship.
Every form of care and spiritual attention that we hope to provide for our members shall revolve around the House fellowship.
The House fellowship centres shall be grouped into
Zonal Area.
Serving Him Better
“And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.” Exodus 23:25
How will you serve Him better, this year, this new decade. Describe it in three ways.