Then Moses gave an order and they sent this word throughout the camp. No man or woman is to make anything else as an offering for the sanctuary. And so the people were restrained from bringing more, because what they already had was more than enough to do all the work (Exodus 36:2-3)..

In that project that is in your hand, there shall be more than enough. Just trust in the Lord, and listen to His voice. And whatever He says to you, do it. He will supply all of your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

When God ordered for Moses to build the tabernacle in the wilderness, He stirred the people of Israel to give more than enough. The project enjoyed such great favour that the people had to be restrained from giving. More than enough, that is the way of the Lord.

When Jesus had to feed the thousands, He had only  ve loaves of bread and two small  shes- a boy’s lunch packed for him by his mother. But what is that among so many? (John 6:9). Jesus took the small lunch, blessed it and began to distribute to the people through His disciples. Five thousand men were fed, apart from women and children. And there were twelve baskets of food as left over! When the blessing of the Lord rests upon what is considered little, it is multiplied. Abundance is the way of God. You will have more than enough (John 6:1-13).

When the widow came to Elisha because creditors have come to take her son in lieu of her late husband’s debt, the man of God asked “what do you have in your house?” Nothing but just one pot of oil! And what can that do with all the debt? That is more than enoughin the hands of the Lord. “Go borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbour’s, even empty vessels, borrow not a few. And when thou art come in, thou shalt shut the door upon thee and upon thy sons, and shalt pour out all into all those vessels, and thou shalt set aside that which is full” (2 Kings 4:3-4).

The woman obeyed the word of the Lord. As a result, her debt was paid off, and she had more than enough for herself and her sons to enjoy. Abundance! More than enough! That is the way of our God, on that matter that is in
your hand, you will enjoy more than enough. How will it be?

1. Look unto God and trust Him for divine help. The bible says those who look unto Him will never be ashamed (Psalm 34:5).
2. Seek His face in prayer for clear direction on what to do about your situation. He speaks to those who pay close attention (1 Sam. 2:5).
3. Whatever He says to you, do it. Do not delay your obedience (John 2:5).
4. Expect His blessing, His favour, His intervention. Expect abundance. Expect more than enough. The Lord will
surprise you (Psalm 5:12).
5. Give glory to God for what He has done. He appreciates thanksgiving (Luke 17:17).

JOHN 6:1-13
EXODUS 35&36

My God is supplying all my needs, according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. I have more than enough.

  1. Give thanks to God. He is the God of abundance.
  2. Ask for God’s favour, God’s blessing, and God’s help in the project or the matter in your hands now.
  3. Ask the Lord to give you more than enough.
  4. Celebrate the Lord for His provisions.
  5. Pray for the economy of your nation.